Digital Transformation Solutions & Services


Digital transformation enabler

• Determine pain point
-> transformation strategy, target mapping

• Define key strength
-> product journey and roadmap, key feature identification

• Create value
-> experience design, visual design, user research, software development, system architecture, QA testing

• Refine productivity
-> product improvement, maintain stability

We’ve done a lot

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OCR conversion information from the image of typed to into machine-encoded text collaborate with the smart services: "IoT" to transfer data to the ID card system. Reducing human error and speed up your business.


Online store management that provides the total solution for your business; adding to a shopping cart, purchasing transaction notification, and stock management.

Warehouse system

Transform your existing warehouse system into a digital platform to controls entire inventory and supply chain fulfillment based on cloud or on-premise. Increasing the ability and efficiency to control multi-warehouse.

Web development

Good website structure support SEO to reaches more audience. Our technology supports speed and customer experience to attract and engage traffic to your website.

Mobile app development

Build innovative and convenient application to support IOS and android for user friendly on mobile device.

Fin pay

Consolidate QR payment on your platform and device. Auto reconcile notification and integration all transaction with smart dashboard.